
Friday, June 14, 2013

Artisan 0.6

It took a moment, but now it is released:
Artisan v0.6 for Windows, OS X and Linux

Developing this version was a very exciting experience, because of all the enthusiastic support we received over the last year. We would like to thank especially the following people.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Device Selection

There are a number of devices to monitor or control your roaster that are supported by Artisan. Which one to choose? Let's look at the key features of the available choices.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monitoring a Londinium

The Londinium blog recently featured a box full of Amprobe TMD-56's ready to start a series of measurements on this machine that has been a bit of a rave recently. The guys at HG-One like it a lot, for instance.