Friday, February 20, 2015

Proaster and Artisan

COFFEE OLLE, a coffee roaster in Hong Kong, posted instructions on how they connect Artisan directly via USB to their 5Kg THCR-03 Proaster shop roaster.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Connecting Artisan to a Coffee-Tech FZ-94 Lab Roaster

The extensive controllability of the FZ-94, a 100g to 2.4kg capacity range lab roaster from Coffee-Tech Engineering, makes it an excellent machine for the development of roast profiles. It features three electric heating elements that can be controlled separately, controls for both, drum speed and air speed, and comes with three build-in temperature probes. The roaster is prepared for data logging using Artisan via its USB connector.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Secondo Semifinale Campionato Italiano TOSTATURA CAFFÉ

The 2nd semi-finals of the SCAE Italy Roasting Competition took place on 3-5.12.2014 @ Kuntrawant, Al Passo dello Stelvio. This round was running on Artisan, Tonino and a 5Kg Probat Probatone roaster. All data was electronically documented and is shared here.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Batch Volume and Bean Density

The density of beans is an important parameter to decide on an appropriate roast profile. From the given volume and weight of a batch of coffee (green or roasted) entered in the Roast Properties dialog (menu Roast >> Properties) Artisan computes the beans density.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Event Quantifiers

Suppose you have connected a device to Artisan that measures the gas pressure of your burner or the setting of your damper. Wouldn't it be better to log this data as events reflecting changes on a 0-100% scale, instead of squeezing this data as a curve with a strange temperature scale in the graph?

Virtual Devices and Symbolic Assignments

Artisan supports a wide list of different devices to read data from and to write data to. Several of those devices can be operated in parallel ending up in more temperature channels than one can fit on the display. Could anybody need more?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Sampling Interval, Smoothing, and Rate-of-Rise

Let me try to explain my perspective on the processing of the raw data gathered from a temperature probe implanted into a coffee roaster. To understand what's going on in roast logging one has to look at the full chain of data processing from the probes to the screen. I assume here that all data is transmitted flaw-less from component to component and will especially avoid mixing this discussion with the spike issue as this can be treated separately.