We are proud to present the results of our work of the past months. This release takes Artisan quite a bit further by introducing a number of new roasting tools besides and many small refinements. Enjoy the new Roast Comparator, Roast Simulator, and Profile Transposer now available with Artisan v2.4!
Thank You!
The Artisan project runs on donations from individuals and companies recognising the value of Artisan for their work or leisure. Consider supporting this project with your donation!
Especially the support by the coffee industry is extremely important. This version was supported by Randy (Buckeye Coffee Roasters, USA), Michael (Hottop, USA), Mustafa (Özstar, Turkey) and Marko&Paul (artisan.plus, Germany).
The Artisan team thanks Fotis (Coffee Lovers, Editors & Trainers, Athens Greece) as well as Alberto (Bloom Coffee School, Trieste Italy) for organising Artisan seminars at their locations, helping to spread the word.
The following individuals and operations (in no specific order) did support the development of this version with their donation: Martin Copper, Dave (the Chambers), Richard (Rustic Roastery), Mark Clavell, Carlos Fernandez, Ben (Potomac Chocolate), Michael Stimets, Philip Sowels, Keith Poole, Bruno Henriques, Sander de Bie, Lou Arminio, Jim (Salvation Coffee Company), Federico Osorio, Norm and Martin (Banff Roasting Company), Chris Kolber, JunShin, Andreas Wurtinger, Koby Funderburg, Uwe Schuschnig, Craig (River Bottom Roasters), Douglas Sharp, Vitaly Tarasenko, Chris Moore, Chang Hui, Peter Sloan, Randy and Deacon (Xanadu Coffee), Rosewood Fun, Ohnishi-san (株式会社 さくら), Jordan Nickell, Danette Adams, Raymond (Really Really Fresh Coffee), William Johnson, Suksit Thep-Aree, Oliver Prosperi, Andy Russell, Knud Buck, Samuel Malanowski, Grant Spence (Speyside Coffee Roasting), Wilker Silva, Dane Paster, Aaron Rupp, Engin Arcan, Leo Shrock, David Manning, Joseph Ferreri, Martin Kral, John Castle, Mugurel-Ovidiu Sodolea, Michele (Caffè Gentili), Phil Dawes, Jürgen Wagner, Kenneth (Coffee Review), Chris Dunavan and Michael Gallagher.
We thank especially those, that are supporting this project regularly: Vladimir Pal, Frans (Kostverlorenvaart), Colin (Ironside Roasting), Michael (Encore Coffee Company), Rick (Software Polish), Matthias Theobald, Dan (Fat Rabbit Coffee), Paolo (His Majesty the Coffee), Flint W Orr, Stuart McKnight, Jaroslav (doubleshot) and Joe (O-JOE Coffee & Food).
Special thanks go to Manfred (Werksbrand) who helped Marko to install a modulating gas valve on his vintage Probat, Dennie for again sharing his firework of ideas and many detailed bug reports, and Nico for supporting this project wherever he can.
Now get active! Contribute ideas, report issues, help to improve the documentation and to correct and extent the localizations. If you are short in time, consider to contribute with a donation to enable us to develop another version.
Download now!
Your Artisan team
Marko, Dave, Michael and Rui
"If you can't roast with software you have to roast with your own knowledge and experience."
What's New?
1. Features Creating New Experiences in Roasting
Some great and exciting features can change your roasting experience. Roast Comparator allows to compare many roasts at one time with the ability to add and delete as you go. This feature excels at comparing roasts of the same bean, while Analyzer is great for looking at a single completed roast. Roast Simulator allows you try new set ups and devices without actually roasting.
Profile Transposer allows you to discover targets for modifying a roast such as extending it, changing phase times, or adapting a profile to a different roasting machine.
Profile Transposer allows you to discover targets for modifying a roast such as extending it, changing phase times, or adapting a profile to a different roasting machine.
Autosave of profiles has been greatly enhanced to allow a variety of auto naming protocols, and you can automate the saving of the Artisan file to a separate directory from another copy such as a PDF.
Event annotations now allow a variety of plain english terminology to be shown on the stair steps as reported in Step and Step+ event reporting. You can display roast data including time, temperature and DTR. As with the new Autosave, abundant choices offer a great deal of customization.
The rate-of-rise (RoR) for the bean temperature (BT) and environmental temperature (ET) is now already computed and displayed before a recording is started, to support your between-batches protocol (BBP).
The Artisan, the ArtisanViewer and artisan.plus work together to enhance the roast master's productivity. Roasting data is interlinked and shared between this family of applications to create a productive environment.
The rate-of-rise (RoR) for the bean temperature (BT) and environmental temperature (ET) is now already computed and displayed before a recording is started, to support your between-batches protocol (BBP).
The Artisan, the ArtisanViewer and artisan.plus work together to enhance the roast master's productivity. Roasting data is interlinked and shared between this family of applications to create a productive environment.
2. Data Presentations
Besides the additional event annotation mechanism introduced above, we added some more configurations to help you to tune your data representation. Up to now, custom event lines were rendered on the temperature y-axis either between 0 and 100 (for 0 to 100%) in snap mode or between 0 and the lowest phases limit. Both options can lead to either a very compact representation where single steps are hard to grasp or overlaps with the bean temperature and/or rate-of-rise curves.
A number of other things were improved and added, like the draggable annotations as well as the legend that now remember their positions, the new auto rate-of-rise upper axis limits mode, configured via two new flags in the Axis dialog, and the large Phases LCDs that toggle their state on right clicks as well.
3. artisan.plus
The inventory management service artisan.plus speaks now French in addition to English, German and Italian, got some extra store selectors, an improved handling of pre-blends and comes with some additional reports for tax purposes.
4. Extended Connectivity
Artisan now learned to import profiles from Cropster, IKAWA and the Giesen Software. New setups have been added for Giesen machines featuring an infrared sensor (IR) and the Twino machines from Özstar with full control over their numerous actors via sliders and buttons.
The implementation of the S7 and MOBDUS protocols underlying many machine setups have been extended by two more channels and a clever optimiser has been added to minimize the amount of data that has to be transported over the network from which most machine connections benefit.
The set of MODBUS Commands was extended by mwrite, a fake function 22 (Mask Write Register) for PLCs not supporting direct bit flipping (ex. read(1,0);mwrite(1,0,65527,_^0xFFFF,_) toggles bit 3 of register 0 on slave 1 and leaves all other bits of register 0 unmodified). Additionally, now the tags {BT}, {ET}, {t} are substituted by the current bean temperature (BT), environmental temperature (ET) and timestamp (t) in Serial, Program, MODBUS and S7 command actions (ex. write(1,10,int(round({BT}*10)) writes the current BT*10 as integer to register 10 on slave 1). Check the MODBUS page on artisan-scope.org and the new online help in the MODBUS tab for details.
The already extensive support for modules from Phidgets and Yoctopuce has been further extended. Artisan now supports also the Phidget VINT DCMotor driver family (DCC1000, DCC1002 and DCC1003), is able to discover Phidget servers via Multicast DNS Service Discovery (mDNS) and can identify Phidget IO modules by the hub serial number and port they are connected allowing now to operate multiple modules of one type. The Yoctopuce IO modules Yocto-0-10V-Tx, Yocto-4-20mA-Tx, low-frequency PWM board Yocto-PWM-Tx, Yocto-Servo and Yoctopuce Relays modules (Yocto-Relay, Yocto-LatchedRelay, Yocto-MaxiCoupler-V2, Yocto-PowerRelay-V2, Yocto-PowerRelay-V3, and Yocto-MaxiPowerRelay) can be operated and 4-20mA sensors connected to a Yocto-4-20mA-Rx board can be read. For further documentation on how to operate those modules, check the Phidgets- and Yoctopuce device pages on artisan-scope.org and the new online help in the Buttons and Sliders tabs of the Events dialog (menu Config >> Events).