Thursday, March 10, 2022

Artisan v2.6.0


We dedicate this release to the constructive ones, the creatives, the makers, the innovators, the open ones, the integrators, the ones that lead us forward to make this a better planet for all of us and put the destructive ones, the duplicators and obstructors to shame.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Probat POP UP

Marko got invited by Probat to join their POP UP series on YouTube. This one is on NORM ROAST, a protocol for determining emission levels and energy consumption of roasting machines.

In this live session, Marko reports why he initiated this project and what the outcomes so far are. Together with you and Probat he puts this theory into practice.

Find more details on this and other events under News on the Artisan homepage.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Navigating Artisan

We’ve got invited by Royal Coffee to hold an online workshop on Artisan. In this webinar Dave will show you how to access the wealth of information available in Artisan graphs. Whether during an active roast or reviewing a completed roast, Artisan has features to speed your work.

Find more details on this and other events under News on the Artisan homepage.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Probe Arrays

There are a number of reasons why using an array of probes to measure temperatures inside a roasting machine, instead of using single probes, seems to be a good idea. The intrinsic redundancy of probe arrays allows a machine to handle probe failures silently and to report them early on to the operator, avoiding down time. Another advantage is using averages of all readings per sampling time. This increases the stability compared to single probes. Averaging of readings gathered in parallel avoids also the main disadvantage of common software based smoothing, the introduction of delays caused by averaging readings gathered sequentially. Are probe arrays worth it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

10 degrees above FCs

Michael just asked me to extend the alarm system of Artisan to allow him to add an alarm that would speak to him once his bean temperature increased by 10 degrees after first crack start.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Artisan v2.4.6


Artisan v2.4.6 adds structures to calculate energy consumption and CO₂ production per roast.

Tracking Energy Consumption & CO2 Production in Coffee Roasting

Artisan v2.4.6 introduces a new capability to estimate the energy consumption and CO2 emission for every batch roasted with Artisan.  This first-of-the-kind calculator uses logged burner settings, roaster machine specific specification data and energy source information to provide a consistent and methodical view of the roast machine’s performance.